Creative Responses

Teacher and pupil-led workshops in creative writing, spoken word performance and art open important creative space for personal responses to archival materials. It heightens curiosity, providing for meaningful and enduring encounters.

This page offers a collection of creative responses to items in the school archive, revolving around the topics of class, gender, imperialism, and race.

The Lost Prince Chris Browning and Year 9 and 10 pupils (Performing Arts Department, Rugby School)

Colourised Photographs Sofiia (Year 13, Rugby School)

John Agard and the Schools of Empire Project Festival on the Close (29th June 2023, Rugby School)

Sketches of Colonial Schools in India Excy Hansda (University of Liverpool)

Agere Ifa Alix Scott-Martin (English Department, Rugby School)

Memories of an Abyssinian Prince Shaqira (Year 11, Rugby School)

Untitled Lika (Year 13, Rugby School)

Parthenon Nihal (Year 12, Rugby School)

Butterfly Tirion (Year 11, Rugby School)